National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX)
The NCLEX is a nationally recognized examination required to become either a registered nurse (NCLEX-RN) or a licensed practical nurse (NCLEX-PN). The examinations are developed and maintained by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)External link:open_in_new. State boards of nursing, which ultimately will issue or deny a candidate’s nursing license, consider the results of the NCLEX when deciding whether or not to issue a nursing license.
According to NCLEX’s fact sheetExternal link:open_in_new, from January through June 2021, 82.74% of RN candidates for the NCLEX-RN and 79.06% of practical nurse candidates for the NCLEX-PN were taking their respective exams for the first time. First-time international educated candidates came from the Philippines, India, Puerto Rico, Kenya, Nepal and other countries.
NCLEX Pass Rates
The NCLEX pass ratesExternal link:open_in_new for all RN candidates in the first six months of 2021 was 72.94%, with the highest pass rate for RNs with bachelor’s degrees. The practical nurse pass rate for the NCLEX was 66.3% with the highest pass rate for first-time examinees educated in the United States at 79.33%. Some universities boast high pass rates as a possible indication of the value of their program.
NCLEX Application and Registration
To take your NCLEX, you must submit an application for licensure/registration to the nursing regulatory boardExternal link:open_in_new in the state of your practice, register for the NCLEX and pay the applicable fee. NCLEX needs to receive notice of eligibility from your nursing regulatory board within 365 days to proceed with examination. You may register for the NCLEX online or by phone.
Steps To Pass Exams
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Remote Administration
Our Technical Staff connect your pc to install remote administration tools.
Exam Booking
Exam booking by our technical staff picked up to a common date.
Testing Day
At the exam time our staff connects to your PC and starts the exam.
Check-In Processes
You do check-in processes with the proctor. After the complete Exam begins
Expert Staff Answer The Questions
Our expert staff take control and answer the questions, you drink a cup of coffee and relax.
Get The Official Email/Results
Get the official congratulation email from the exam testing body. Check in to confirm your score result from their website. if not satisfied we refund full amount.
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