Xpress Documents Proxy Certification Services Procedure 

Well, the procedure is simple. Follow easy steps. 
No matter where you are located, we can help you pass any test you need to pass.
With our simple certification process, we will ensure your certification experience goes as smoothly as possible.


On our website, we have listed which certification Xpress Documents Proxy team can pass for you.
This is not a complete list, if you can’t find the desired certification CONTACT US, we will confirm can we pass the exam for you or not. Register yourself to check the prices.


To apply for the exam, you will need to provide the following information:

  1. First Name:
  2. Last Name:
  3. Mobile phone number (with the country code):
  4. Name of Certification and Its Test Code: 
  5. Two identification documents (Eg. Driving License or Passport), this is just to prove identity in the test center.

Provide specified personal information by email to info@YourCertificatesProvider.com


After we give you 100% confirmation we can pass the exam for you we will send you payment details.
After payment is received we will start with the process of passing the exam for you.
Payment options are usually Direct Bank payment, MoneyGram, Western Union, or World Remit.


After we receive your payment, Xpress Documents Proxy team will pass the exam within 5 business days (10 business days in special cases), we will email you the exam result.

  • You will be able to check results on the official certification website.
  • You will be able to download your certificate, create and share certification transcript details. 
  • You will be able to share your digital badges on Social networks like LinkedIn.
  • Employers will be able to check and confirm you are CERTIFIED.

If needed you can choose NEXT EXAM. After some time order the CERTIFICATION KIT to your mailing address.

Please inform us by email once the official copy of your certificate is well received. All your exam records will be removed from our system.

Always feel free to recommend us, it means us a lot. We believe the satisfied candidate is the best promotion.


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